Here are the values that inform everything I do.

  • Community

    No writer exists in isolation. They and their stories are part of a greater conversation about them and their work, and they must be given safe spaces to explore themselves and their work. Therefore, whether it’s through facilitating group coaching programs or working with clients one-on-one, I will provide safe, communal spaces for them.

  • Compassion

    As a Secular Buddhist, I understand that I must have compassion for myself and others during all stages of the writing process. I also know that everyone is on their own path to enlightenment, and the greatest gift that I can give to the writers is the autonomy and self-direction to find their own voice and tell their own stories.

  • Creativity

    Human beings are creators. We are tellers of tales, masters of crafts, and breakers of chains. We are so much more than cogs in capitalist and corporate machines, and we deserve to express ourselves fully in any way, shape, or form that our stories take. Similarly, our work deserves to meet its own needs rather than only someone else’s bottom line.

  • Curiosity

    Creative writing education that is equitable and empowering starts with nurturing a health curiosity for other perspectives. For example, storytelling modes and practices outside of Western ideological frameworks don’t get as much attention in academia and the publishing industry, but they are just as valid and worthy of attention in writing practice.

What iS It like to work with me?

If you’re a writer who wants to work with me, you’ll get…

  • An anti-racist educator working to dismantle barriers, not just talk about them

  • An empathetic Secular Buddhist who sees your humanity, not just another guru

  • An enthusiastic cheerleader invested in your writing career, not just your book

  • An equal accountability partner in the process, not just an overseer with a whip

  • An intrepid working writer who makes money, not just an avid lover of words

Sounds good. Where do I sign up?

Hang on, Stranger. Let’s get some things clarified.

before we even start working togetheR, It’s very important to me that we’re a good fit for each other.

And Before you even decide to work with me in particular, I need you to know that I don’t work with just any writer.

I primarily work with emerging and seasoned writers of speculative fiction who identify as BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+.

In other words, I work with writers who are DRAFTING, WHO ARE revising, who are querying, who are AGENTED, and/OR WHO ARE PUBLISHED.

If you’re a writer who’s still mastering the basics, Keep reading, KEEP writing, and keep getting feedback.

Otherwise, If you’re ready, book a free consultation with me, or fill out my client intake Q&A Form.

Hope to see you soon!