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sensitivity Reading

The work of sensitivity readers is not just that of a content flagger. Rather, is the all-encompassing work of proofreading, copyediting, line editing, and developmental editing to various degrees of detail along with ensuring a lack of offense.

This sensitivity reading service includes:

  • inline comments and edits on your fiction manuscript

  • an editorial letter for manuscripts over 50,000 words

  • light corrections of spelling, grammar, and punctuation according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

  • flagging potentially offensive content within the manuscript

  • turnaround time of 1 business days per 10,000 words

$0.01 per word

Developmental Editing

Developmental editors focus on the big picture elements of a fiction manuscript. They might suggest cutting out entire passages in service of improving the pacing in addition to the usual work of other editors.

This developmental editing service includes:

  • inline comments and edits on your fiction manuscript

  • an editorial letter for manuscripts over 50,000 words

  • light corrections of spelling, grammar, and punctuation according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

  • suggestions for improving language and overall clarity in the work

  • suggestions for addressing overall issues within the manuscript

  • turnaround time of 1 business day per 5,000 words

$0.05 per word

editorial sensitivity Reading

Editorial sensitivity readers combine an editorial acumen and a focus on addressing offensive content within a work. It is the highest level of editing that I offer in that it combines personal, professional, and academic aspects of my understanding of storytelling.

This editorial sensitivity reading service includes:

  • inline comments and edits on your fiction manuscript

  • an editorial letter for manuscripts over 50,000 words

  • light corrections of spelling, grammar, and punctuation according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

  • suggestions for improving language and overall clarity in the work

  • suggestions for addressing overall issues within the manuscript

  • flagging potentially offensive content within the manuscript

  • turnaround time of 1 business days per 4,000 words

$0.06 per word

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