Need a second opinion?
MFA Application Critique
For applicants of MFA programs, grants, fellowships, scholarships, etc., it’s often necessary to have an engaging writing sample and compelling personal statements that win over admissions committees. Let me help you put your best foot forward and turn committee members’ heads.
This application critique service includes:
* an evaluation of one fiction writing sample
* an evaluation of up to two personal statements
* an overall critique letter outlining next steps
* a turnaround time of up to 5 business days
$100 total fee.
Query Package Critique
Writers who are looking to traditionally publish need a query letter, a synopsis, and an opening of their manuscript that turns the heads of literary agents, editors, and other publishers. With this service, I’ll help you shore up weaker elements and put your best foot forward in the query trenches.
This query package critique includes:
* an evaluation of your query letter
* an evaluation of your synopsis (up to 5 pages)
* an evaluation of your manuscript’s first 10 pages
* an overall critique letter outlining next steps
* a turnaround time of up to 5 business days
$200 total fee.
Beta Reader Critique
A beta reader is a beta tester for your writing project. Ideally, they’re a part of your project’s target audience and can provide reactions and feedback that help you revise your book before it’s published. Let me be your beta reader for your work and give you a sense of where it’s at.
This beta reader critique includes:
* a completed beta reader questionnaire sheet
* an overall critique letter outlining next steps
* a turnaround time of approximately 1 business day per 10,000 words
$300 total fee.